I love how this cake turned out! Last year I made his radio flyer wagon cake and didn't know how I'd top it but ... this goldfish was pretty cute! Goldfish was the theme of the party---I didn't know "Goldfish" crackers had so many varieties. Cheese-Pretzels-Multi-colored-Whole Grain-Pizza-Sour Cream and Onion-Honey-Cinnamon-and Saltines---We had a few of those varieties but my favorite one was the saltines because we had soup at the party---

As party favors everyone got to take home live goldfish!! Cale literally couldn't keep his face out of the bowl. He kept wanting to see the "fishies"

This birthday was also a little more fun in the gift department...he seemed to enjoy unwrapping things. But like every kid as soon as he'd open a present he'd want to play with and not move on to unwrapping the next gift.

I also had to go back to work this past week--which is never easy but this time it was probably easier on me than Brent! Brent takes the boys to my grandma's house in the mornings--I try t o make everything as easy as I can for him--I had the diaper bag packed--bottles ready--clothes laid out---I couldn't have done anything more! He claims he looked for the bottles for 35 minutes-(they were in the refrigerator in a bottle bag!!!)--finally just taking frozen milk out of the freezer to take. He took Cale and some of the luggage out to the truck--He left Cale in the truck--unbuckled--needless to say Brent was locked out when he returned---After convincing Cale to unlock the door he finished loading Hayden and the rest of the baggage that goes with 2 kids--As soon as he pulls into my grandma's house Cale vomits in his car seat! By the time they get that all cleaned up and everything inside I'm there for lunch! Brent tells me about the frozen milk in the bag and tells me to put it in the freezer--I get it out.....it's pureed cauliflower that I'd been adding to his mashed potatoes for the last few weeks!! Needless to say my first day back was harder on Brent than me!!!
My husband locked our daughter in the car on the way to daycare one day..She however was buckled in and couldn't unlock the door so we had to make an embarrassing phone call to the fire department lol