Sunday, January 24, 2010

Here Cale comes!

How could I not post this picture...who could say no to those eyes!! Believe me we have a hard time saying no! We've found it funny that when Cale is doing something he shouldn't be we catch ourselves saying " eh-eh-eh " instead of no no no --- Cale repeats the eh-eh-eh---at least we know he's listening.

Cale has been walking for about a month now---starting out going from one piece of furniture to another---but watch out now---he's on the loose! Very rarely do we see any crawling anymore which is so exciting but so hard to believe that we are at this stage!
Cale really is a good eater---I love peas and that is one thing that Cale really likes too! Just as I was bragging to Brent how well he was eating his peas I took off the high chair tray to find this.....

....not only were they in his lap but they down the sides of the chair too---must not have had very good hand-to-mouth coordination that day!


  1. haha the pea picture cracked me up! Sammi does that too, lift up the tray and there's all the food! lol....he's getting so big Abby!! And walking WOW!! Thatta boy Cale!! Keep mommy and daddy on the move as well! :)

  2. Now that he's walking life as you knew it is over. Lol. Sam's new thing is walking on the dining room table. I am trying to get mad at him but he is so proud of himself its hard too. I completely understand how you feel. They are still babies so its hard to get on them for stuff. He's getting so big and he is so handsome.

  3. I think Koen and Cale need to see each other so K can take walking lessons :) He's getting there, but he's soooooo cautious and stops to balance every second!
